The Potential of Ultrasound Technology and Chemotherapy Carriers in Breast Cancer Treatment
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women, and chemotherpy is widly used to treat it. However, chemotherapy drugs are not able to differentiate between the cancerous and healthy tissues. This leads to the well-known, harmful side effects of this treatment, which include hair loss, fatigue, nausea, and a weakened immune system. This paper argues for the potential effectiveness of delivering chemotherapy drugs to tumors in protective barriers (drug encapsulation in a nano-carrier) that isolate the drug from healthy tissues, minimizing side effects and increasing the quality of life of patients and their families. When injected into the bloodstream, these nanocarriers will diffuse into the tumor and ultrasonic waves can then be administered at the tumor site in order to release the chemotherapy drug from its capsule. This will restrict the drug to the physical location of the cancerous cells. This policy paper offers a number of recommendations related to furthering this research for the benefit of UAE citizens, residents, and those impacted by breast cancer around the world.