February 26, 2024
- Research
- Developing National Agendas in Order to Achieve Gender Equality in Education (SDG 4)

Approaches to addressing gender inequality in education are generally based on a one-size-fits-all model that has predominantly focused on girls’ education. However, there are growing gender disparities in education impacting boys in regions, such as the Caribbean and Middle East. It is therefore necessary to take a more holistic look at gender and target those children who are most at risk of being unable to access “equitable quality education,” (UN, 2018, p. 1). This brief calls for the establishment of baseline data and targeted interventions to benefit the most marginalized girls and boys in order to achieve gender equality in education.
Recommended citation: Ridge, N., Kippels, S., Cardini, A., & Yimbesalu, J. P. (2019). Developing national agendas in order to achieve gender equality in education (SDG 4) [Policy Brief]. Think 20 Japan. https://t20japan.org/policy-brief-national-agendas-achieve-gender-equality-education/